Bring true innovation to your lobby with W3lcome, a smart iPad visitor management system.
Find out what W3lcome can do for you
Offer an awesome experience to your visitors right at the front desk.
The lobby is your first line of defense. Ensure security for your data and your office.
Ensure your visitor data management is in compliance with data protection regulations.
Integrate your whole check-in process and boost productivity at the office.
W3lcome certainly brought innovation to the facilities area here at DIAGEO.
We're very satisfied with the solution they offer.
We won in efficiency and agility, as well as a positive visibility for our area.
Useful, practical and innovative! Our reception process with W3lcome delights people!”
“The best visitor attendance, reception flow measurement, presence control, visit evaluation, in addition to the excellent support we’re offered, are just some of the benefits we got with W3lcome. This partnership allowed us to update our reception and offer an improved experience for our visitors”.
"This incredible tool has facilitated the processes of receiving and collecting data, bringing modernity and high quality delivery to our customer service. “
“The W3lcome solution is very useful for those who receive different types of clients. Knowing the moment of the arrival of customers and the optimization reception flow is incredible”
"We were experiencing a flow problem at reception, due to the implementation of compliance standards, which would require the hiring of more receptionists. With W3lcome, we not only had a single receptionist, but also improved the user experience!"
Copyright © 2021 W3lcome
“Você nunca tem uma segunda chance de fazer uma primeira impressão”
Andrew Grant